Star Achievers 2019


Faith Montessori School Directors and Teaching Staff send their congratulations to the Upper Six students on their achievements in 2019. We continue to cater for internal and external students at sixth form level and are proud of the success all our students have achieved this year, across a broad range of A level subjects. Our results continue to be impressive and strong with 77.24% of all A level grades between A*-C. An improvement on last year’s 68.4%. Individual student successes are many and below are just some of the wide range of university courses being embarked upon by Faith Montessori School alumni in 2019. University of Ghana Medical School, Accra – Dentistry; York University, Canada – Finance & Business Economics; University of Ghana Medical School, Accra – Medicine; Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Tech., Kumasi – Architecture; University of Ghana, Accra – Law; University of Mary Washington, USA – International Business; Aston University, Birmingham, UK – Computer Science with Mathematics; Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Tech., Kumasi – Computer Engineering;

Leicester University, UK – Mechanical Engineering; Leicester University, UK – Accounting & Financing; Nanjing University, China – Medicine; Portsmouth University, Portsmouth, UK – International Relations & Politics; Bryant University, Rhode Island, USA – Economics & Marketing; Calvin College, USA –Mechanical Engineering; York University, Toronto, Canada – Marketing; University of Waterloo, Canada – Management Information; Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA – Chemical Engineering; University of Kent, UK – Sports Management ; Ashesi University, Ghana – Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA –Architecture; University of the West of England, Bristol, UK – Medicine


Faith Montessori School Directors and Teaching Staff extend their congratulations to the Form 5 students who received their examination results on the 13 August 2019. Once again, we are delighted to report very strong academic results. Over 93% of the Form 5 students achieved a grade C or higher at IGCSE in both Mathematics and English. This is up from 92% in 2018. There was similar success across the wider curriculum, as over 95.54% of all students gained grades A* – C across all subjects compared to 93% in 2018. Congratulations go to all our students for their hard work and achievement, and we take this opportunity to recognise the care and support given to them by parents, carers and the staff in the school, in achieving such great success.

Star Achievers