Faith Montessori School Directors and Teaching Staff send their congratulations to the Upper Six students on their achievements in 2020. We continue to cater for internal and external students at sixth form level and are proud of the success all our students have achieved this year, across a broad range of A level subjects. We continue to wish them well. Our results continue to be impressive and strong with 91% of all A level grades awarded this year between A*-C. This is up from 77% in 2019 and 68.4% in 2018. Let’s call it the COVID bounce.


We also extend our congratulations to the Form 5 students who received their examination results in August 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic. Once again, we are delighted to report very strong academic results. Over 93% of the Form 5 students achieved a grade C or higher at IGCSE in both Mathematics and English. This matches the achievement in 2019 and up from 92% in 2018. There was similar success across the wider curriculum, as over 95% of students gained grades A* – C across all subjects. This again matches the achievement in 2019 and up from 93% in 2018. Congratulations go to all our students for their hard work and achievement, and we would like to take this opportunity to recognise the care and support given to them by parents, carers and the staff in the school, in achieving such great success.


Congratulations to all students who attempted the ABRSM Theory Examinations in 2020 across Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. 114 students wrote the examinations with a pass rate of 93%. 35% of the students who passed achieved a distinction which is a score of between 90 – 100%. A very special mention for both Karl Bainge and Nathaniel Ameh who both scored 100% in their Grade 1 and Grade 3 exams respectively.