General Code of Conduct

People’s belief about us is founded on our ethics and morals. At FAITH, our instructor is the Holy Spirit, with God the Father as our ever present help in times of need, and Jesus as our Redeemer and Saviour. All students observe the following: Expect common-sense, self discipline and above all, care and concern for others. You are part of a community. Your neighbour should be as important as yourself.

You are asked to remember this in your day to day life in school in the way you:

  1. speak to people (objectionable language is not allowed)
  2. behave towards people
  3. work
  4. play
  5. care for the feelings of others
  6. respect each other’s beliefs
  7. respect the rights of other individuals

You should have this in your mind both in and out of school. The reputation of your school depends on the way you behave and in your appearance.

The FAITH Code

Academic Integrity – Effort is the basis for intelligent learning, therefore discipline yourself and do your best in class exercises, tests, homework and examinations – to achieve excellence. Taking this on board will help you build a solid academic foundation for your entire life. The very highest standard of behaviour is required of all FAITH students at all times. The usual level of courtesy, respect and consideration for others which operate in school area is also expected in the local area especially during the normal school day. Adhere strictly to the school’s dress code and dress decently at all times.

Students’ Clubs

F.M.S. students are assured of not only excellent classroom experiences but also exciting and intellectually stimulating recreation.


The School’s drama group offers the opportunity for creative minds to exhibit their acting and script writing skills. At least, one major production is held at the end of each school term.


The school’s dance club boasts of experienced dance instructors who can turn even the most awkward individual into a confident ballet dancer.


The Choir instructors have frequently exhibited the uncanny knack for placing the unique voices of individuals into various parts and moulding them into an organized unit of melodious perfection. The choir performs mostly at school programmes and special events / holidays.

Sports Club


Since a healthy body definitely promotes a healthy mind, the school promotes several sporting disciplines such as soccer, basketball and board games such as scrabble, monopoly, chess etc.

 Remnant Waves:

Remnant Waves is the school’s charity club, made up of highly motivated students supported unwaveringly by the school’s management and staff, which often performs community services, solicits funds, equipment and other essentials for needy schools, institutions and communities.
The purpose of Remnant Waves is to leave an indelible mark through service to humanity.

Debating Club:

The Debating club presents students the unique opportunity to discover and develop their public speaking abilities. Through this club, students have developed the optimum skill of making cogent, fluid and well-founded arguments devoid of emotion and bias.

Model United Nations Club (MUNC):

The international and multi-cultural backgrounds of our students have served as motivation for the formation of a model United Nations Organization club. The purpose of this club is to encourage cross-cultural interaction, promote tolerance and cooperation among peers from multifarious backgrounds, increase knowledge about cultural and religious diversity, as well as to become connoisseurs in international affairs and politics.